Dilophosaurus (Spitter)


2 years ago

by GooberBalls Home Files Download ZIP

Not as bad as its bigger brothers...




Created 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Active 2 years ago
This Creation is Active and is being worked on.

Dilophosaurus (Spitter) status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago

Dilophosaurus (Spitter) status has been set to Needs Review

GooberBalls 2 years ago

Dilophosaurus (Spitter) status has been set to Active

GooberBalls 2 years ago

Dilophosaurus (Spitter) status has been set to Needs Review

GooberBalls 2 years ago

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liked this!



I’m working on a brachio staff but I can’t finish it now since I’m on vacation, so I’ll work on improving this one and then finish that one up. Thanks for the feedback it is always appreciated!

Dilophosaurus (Spitter) status has been set to Active

Hello :)

Sorry for a delay >_<

It looks like the model has not changed since the first time i saw it - i still think it is looking great!

If you feel like it, i believe there might be some room to simplify the helmet a little bit - just like you did with the last version of the Clever Girl. And if i do have to nitpick - there are a few voxels on the inside that could use a cover up. They are visible from the outside too so a best solution might just be filling up that layer (3x8 space).

That said, im happy to approve it as is, its an awesome design and a very well done model! Just send it straight back to Review.

Also, im sorry im only replying to that now - but it would be incredibly awesome to have Dinosaur themed weapon styles! The jurrassic jungle biome style category is rather small compared to the other biomes.

Dilophosaurus (Spitter) status has been set to Needs Review

Dilophosaurus (Spitter) status has been set to Active


I'm unsure, I'll set this one back to active for now while I check it out a bit more, I would really appreciate any feedback you could have for it in its current state so I can make some changes to make it more visually appealing or unique

Everything about this one looks good to me. 

You sure this is a final version and you woudlnt want to go about changing it if i were to Approve it, @GooberBalls?

Thought about including the frill but any frill that looked correct would be way to large and a smaller one would look strange, and also lacking the frill makes it a less film specific dilophosaurus model. Also thought about including a venom spit effect but excluded it to relieve all film specific aspects of the model and to maintain consistency with my other models. I retextured the model a lot since it looked too much like a gradient many times making it look strangely metallic, I am quite satisfied with the final product for now, but further observations by myself or the moderators could definitely change my mind. I plan to make a few more Jurassic park inspired styles for the 30th anniversary of the film in June, maybe a brachiosaur style staff or some experiments with amber effects for styles that aren't just helmets.

Dilophosaurus (Spitter) status has been set to Needs Review