Created 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
chainblade status has been set to Added
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
chainblade status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
chainblade status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
chainblade status has been set to Approved
_FutureHero_ 2 years ago
chainblade status has been set to Needs Review
knakworstje 2 years ago
chainblade status has been set to Active
_FutureHero_ 2 years ago
chainblade status has been set to Needs Review
knakworstje 2 years ago
Chainblade status has been set to Active
_FutureHero_ 2 years ago
Chainblade status has been set to Needs Review
knakworstje 2 years ago

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Hello there o/ The version 3 is looking good, if you d set it on Review we could Approve it :)
Most of the issues were fixed but still need to work on that ground clipping for knight.
Make sure to check all classes that use the weapon type you are creating, in this case, knight, candy barb, boomer ranger, and neon ninja ^^
This helps you ensure there isn't any significant clipping into the ground or character model.
Might want to more that handle guard just a tab bit higher.
Back to active just a little more work to do, ty! ^^
Welcome to creations!
Always great to have a tool that gets the job done whether in construction or cutting down enemies,
There are a few things that need to be fixed before this design can be approved.
Make sure to always check with the trove creations lint and export tool under the category of your weapon, in this case, it would be the melee category. This tool tells you if your weapon has an issue or doesn’t check out with trove’s weapon-specific requirements for creations.
After checking with this tool we can see that there are two issues that need to be resolved, but don't worry they won't be hard to fix ^^
First, multiple attachment points can confuse the game to where your character is supposed to hold the blade, to fix this just recolor one of those pink voxels and keep the one you want to be at the center of the class's grip.
Second is the floating voxels, instead of corner connected you always want them to be solidly connected to the base of the weapon.
Like in the example here.
Now on to the things that tool doesn't tell you about such as clipping,
The tan blocks under the attachment point are exactly on top of the hand blueprint which can cause the two colors to spaz out, I think the best option for this is to either move those blocks down one so they avoid hitting the hand or you could erase them from the model.
Next, ground clipping is only really noticeable with knight but the handle guard hangs a bit too low to the ground.
You can move them up a couple of spaces to stop the clipping or change the style of the handle guard so it doesn't go into the ground.
here's how the edit could look like, but it's up to you to decide exactly how you want it ^^
Last when uploading a creation please place the blueprints in the files tab and name them accordingly to the item creationtype_creationname[CreatorsName]
In your case, it would be equipment_weapon_sword_chainblade[knakworstje]
Back to active for now, hope to see it again soon ^^