Cookie handling

"Half a ginger cookie is better than none".
Created 3 years ago
Updated 9 months ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Cookie handling status has been set to Added
Ylva 9 months ago
Cookie handling status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 9 months ago
Cookie handling status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 9 months ago
Cookie handling status has been set to Approved
_FutureHero_ 3 years ago
Cookie handling status has been set to Needs Review
Ranuribufo 3 years ago
Cookie handling status has been set to Active
_FutureHero_ 3 years ago
Cookie handling status has been set to Needs Review
Ranuribufo 3 years ago

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Sorry, i dont think i understand your question, if it is a question.
The 500 Credits for an Accepted style should already be added to your in-game account of the Ranuribufo name. Are you saying you did not get the Credits?
Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Cookie Handler !
It can be found in collections under Styles > Hats > Stash Exclusive.
You've done a wonderful job remodeling it!
Looks like that cookie has reasons for revenge xD, the shading on the wires look great, and the new exhaust pipe is put together well! It turned out very cool indeed!
Thank you for your submission, Approved! ^^
Thank you very much for the feedback, now I have seen many things clearer, I appreciate it. I have tried to compact everything a little more keeping the idea that I want to achieve. The gears I have left a block out, but I have reduced the quantity and the distance. For the rest I have arranged colors, brightness and shadows and I have given a touch of inspiration to the crazy gingerbread cookie.
I think it turned out very cool
This is one sweet design!
While this is a really cool detailed helmet and I love the face, I'm afraid there might be too much going on, also we can not allow floating voxels.
Though to fix this you can simplify it ^^
These are my suggestions-
Making the hat a bit more blocky by thickening the bottom outline, shrinking the gears so they are closer to the hat
and moving the exhaust pipes to the very back.
I also think changing the color of the gingerbread to be a bit more ginger and adding shading to the wires would look nice ^^
But you don't need to follow these suggestions and can do whatever you feel would be best to simplify your creation!
Putting this back in active for now, hoping to see it again in review! ^^