Twin Fae guns

[Pistol] [Fae Forest]

3 years ago

by ChtiClem Home Files Download ZIP

Flavor text : "These Faes are craving for revenge ! They'll help you, imbuing their powers in the crystal rods they cling onto !"

This was my previous creation back in 2016, from Reddit. Approved but, seems to me, never included in Trove.

reddit link :

Hoping it's still good for you :)




Created 3 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Rewarded 3 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 3 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Twin Fae guns status has been set to Added

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Twin Fae guns status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Twin Fae guns status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Twin Fae guns status has been set to Approved

Ylva 3 years ago

Twin Fae guns status has been set to Needs Review

ChtiClem 3 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 11

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Thanks a lot !!! :)

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Twin Fae Gun!

It can be found in collections under Styles > Guns > Fae.

Twin Fae guns status has been set to Added

Twin Fae guns status has been set to Rewarded

Twin Fae guns status has been set to Accepted


No problem ! Thanks a lot for the blueprint 🙂

As I have a fae Staff ongoing, I'll put directly the blueprint next time.




Twin Fae guns status has been set to Approved

Sorry, my spelling is just terrible >_<

Thanks for the info, if you had reward then the file of your gun might have been in game files. Which in turn would ve meant that i could not approve it. But since you say no reward has been sent to you i believe it should be safe to approve :)

Very nice design! Hope it gets in game this time.

Just in case you d feel like creating something else:
Unlike reddit we no longer ask creators to mail their blueprints anywhere but instead require a blueprint of creation to be uploaded to Files tab (right next to Edit etc). That allows Devs to quickly download and check creations before accepting them.
Blueprint should be named according to a pattern of styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint , with capital letters only allowed in Creators Name. In your case that would be gun_twin_fae_guns[ChtiClem].blueprint . I usually upload blueprints made from latest Troxel links if creators dont have any uploaded, but it saves me time if creators do it themselves :)


Hi, sorry for the late reply.

thanks for answering :)

As it was never included in Trove, I have never received neither the reward neither the hat.

The name is ChtiClem (not ChitiClem) :)




Gun is looking pretty great :) Glad you brought it back to creations, i cant find it in available styles database either.

Seeing that it was accepted on reddit back when Kungfuquickness was around i do have to ask:

- do you remember Creators Name that you requested to be on this style? i mean, if it was not ChitiClem

- did you receive any reward for getting this style accepted? you should ve gotten some credits (as ingame store currency) and a [Construction Hat] promo hat style applied to your account for getting style accepted.

Please use a reply button on my message so i would get a ping.

Twin Fae guns status has been set to Needs Review