Glitterine Staff

[Staff] [Geode Topside]

3 years ago

by Heavy is ded Home Files

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Created 3 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Active 3 years ago
This Creation is Active and is being worked on.

Glitterine Staff status has been set to Active

Ylva 3 years ago

Glitterine Staff status has been set to Needs Review

Heavy is ded 3 years ago

Glitterine Staff status has been set to Active

Ylva 3 years ago

Glitterine Staff status has been set to Needs Review

Heavy is ded 3 years ago

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Glitterine Staff status has been set to Active

Hello again!

Sorry for the delay.

Staff definitely looks better, but material maps on your Troxel model still overlapping.

On the most left are current material maps, in the middle and on the right are variations of maps that would work. Please note that voxels that are mapped on Type as anything but default-white can only have default-red mapping on Specular. Other way around works too, if you have voxels that are mapped Iridescent (or metal, or anything else but default) can only be default white on Type. Hope it makes more sense with image.

Another thing, adding almost-transparent voxels to connect something and make it not-floating is not a way to go. My bad, i should ve mentioned it right away, i usually do.

Lastly, please keep screenshots updated :)

Changing status back to Active for now.

Glitterine Staff status has been set to Needs Review

Glitterine Staff status has been set to Active


What an interesting concept for a staff. I really like geode colors and elements that you used, they look pretty nice all together! However, there are quite some moments on the technical side of things that do need to be fixed.

- floating and corner connected voxels are not allowed. They were allowed in the past and we have quite some old styles in game that make use of that, but rules have changed. This staff has whole Nitroglitterine as floating part and that geode-colored part in the middle has 2 corner-connected voxels on each of four sides.

If you open your model in Troxel you could use a very handy Lint and Export button, if you chose type of your model it will automatically check it and highlight any 'engineering' issues if there are any.

Please keep an eye on Material maps, they can not overlap. If you have voxels that are mapped Iridescent on Specular map - thats it for them, they cant be glowing (or any other Type) and they cant have transparency. Troxel also checks for that.

Im going to change status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review once you upload changes. If you would rather create something completely different - you could change the status of this one to Draft. That will hide it from the public list and will free up a slot for another creation.

In any case, good luck!

liked this!


Glitterine Staff status has been set to Needs Review