Neon Slinger
[Pistol] [Neon City]
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Neon Slinger status has been set to Active
Ylva 4 years ago
Neon Slinger status has been set to Needs Review
Night Ninja500 4 years ago

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It looks like you have already put in effort into this gun, good job! While the design looks pretty simple i believe it works fine overall. We dont have a gun exactly like this either, but it could be good to add just a little bit more personality and charm to it.
Neon City is always glowing and sparkly so i believe it would be good to add some of that glow. Try out some Material Maps - . They are used to make voxels glow, shine like metal or be transparent like glass. Please keep in mind that material maps can not overlap and one voxel can not be Glowing and Metal at the same time.
Also, please be sure to add some in-game screenshots of an appropriate class with your design equipped. Our How to Get Started guide has detailed steps on how to view your designs in game - .
Im going to change status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review once you upload changes. If you would rather create something completely different - you could change the status of this one to Draft. That will hide it from the public list and will free up a slot for another creation :)
In any case, good luck!