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Hello again :)
Please make sure to set you creations to Needs Review if you feel they are completed. I cant tell if you are done working on a model but didnt change its status or if its still work in progress.
Some feedback assuming this one is completed. First of all, it looks like you are using Noise for coloring, this is not a good thing. At the moment there are 246 different colors, feels very much excessive for a small model. Plus, most of those colors are so close to eachother that its hard to even tell the difference.
(from QB Colour Trovesaurus tool)
I understand you were going to rustic old stone look, but it would look and work so much better if you limited your color pallet and hand painted it.
As for the model itself, it might be good if you made it a bit less symmetrical. It feels like its made from natural materials, but its very proper shape contradicts it.
Lastly, those 'wings' (circled in orange) are very flat compared to the head of the staff, may be add some volume so they look better together?