Floral Drake
[Decoration] [Peaceful Hills]

Created 5 years ago
Updated 5 months ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Floral Drake status has been set to Added
Ylva 5 months ago
Floral Drake status has been set to Rewarded
GMGNotYet 7 months ago
Floral Drake status has been set to Accepted
GMGNotYet 7 months ago
Floral Drake status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
Floral Drake status has been set to Needs Review
SkyRider3217 5 years ago
Floral Drake status has been set to Active
SkyRider3217 5 years ago
Floral Drake status has been set to Needs Review
SkyRider3217 5 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Li'l Floral Drake
It can be unlocked with Dragonfire Recipe and crafted at the
Draconic Workbench.
Wow this plush, so detailed. It continues to amaze me how you manage to shrink dragons like that, great job :D
Personally i think it might be just good as it is, yes it is a bit busy but this way it gives an interesting effect of seeing an overgrown flower first and dragon second. However, if you d prefer for it to look only like a dragon, id suggest to put a bit more space between head and tail.
Those white things with glowing yellows on them, flower pistils? They are both on the tail and a head of a dragon, while on deco you make an accent on the Head ones, leaving only a couple of voxels for the Tail. I think if you replace the side pink petals on the tail with those white pistils and remove them from the head it might just do the trick. Also i believe wings could do with a shade or two less of dirty pinks (i mean middle colors between pink and green).
Not going to change your flair, if you chose to make any edits you could do that yourself :P
If you d prefer to keep it as it is, reply something to this comment so i could advance you to Approved :)