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Commented on Candy Llama Contest page

Llama's, they are one of the most majestic and prestigous creatures in the realm. Standing tall with pride and fur, its one of the rarely seen mounts in Trove. A little backstory about the birth of one of the most sweet llama's out there. Meet Sally, an ordinary Llama living in the Peaceful Hills along with her family. Unfortunately for her, Trovians from all around began to trample over her home. The Trovians seized and captured almost all the llama's and forced them to help carry goods. Sally however, was lucky enough to escape and quickly fled away. She kept galloping and running, not seeming to care where she would end up. Soon she reached the sweet lands of Candoria, filled with sugary candy and flowing with delicious chocolate. She decided that Candoria will be her new home.

Due to her new habitat, she went through evolution and her body was now made up of cookies and sugar icing. Her existence was soon discovered by an adventurer and she was quickly captured. However she wasnt forced to do work, instead she was scientifically studied. Studies concluded that she had the ability to regenerate her own body parts and scientists soon bred more of her species. With that ability, "Sweet Sally" and her brethren were known as the most prized mounts to exist, why is that? If the rider ever got hungry, he/she could eat a piece of their Candy Llama and it would just regenerate back rendering the llama no injuries.


251 Words :P