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Commented on Dino Tamer Story Contest page

Just a note before the story but WOW that 100 word limit is annoying. But here goes.


In a second attempt to defeat the Sun Goddess, the Moon Goddess opened a portal that sent her monsters back to the time of dinosaurs. However, she accidentally sent a wandering Boomeranger back in time along with her minions. Lukily for the Boomeranger, he was able to adapt, creating nets and darts. His talent with taming chickens also allowed him to befriend the dinosaurs (Don't count this parenthisis at part of my story word count but fun fact, chickens actually are some of the closest modern day relaties to dinosaurs. I'm not kidding look it up.).  Later the Sun Goddess sent the Boomeranger back to his own time, but he kept he never adapted back, and gained the ability to summon dinosaurs from the past. Thus the Dino Tamer was born.