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Commented on Solar Ray MK??????? Pistol creation


Whoa that is so colorful :D The shape is pretty interesting too!

Unfortunately, all creations that can get in the Trove must follow very precise guidelines. That ensures that a gun model (in our case) would work with all classes and all costumes.

Please check out and follow a Gun style guide > 

Most important - every model must have an Attachment Point - one pink voxel of color 255.0.255 RGB. This one tells the game where to place the model, without it it will be floating somewhere around the desired location.

If you open your model in Troxel, on the right side bar you can find Trove Creations section. Choose the type of your creation and click on Lint and Export button. That will perform an automated check on your model and highlight all technical issues it might have. This is the easiest way to check if your creation will work in game.

Last but not least - please be sure to preview your creation in the game itself and take a few screenshots of it. It is much easier to see if the design works good or not once you check it out in Trove. Step 5 of our how to get started guide has detailed instructions on how to get that done. 

I hope you can apply your creative approach to designs within needed requirements :)

Im going to set status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review if you upload changes. If you would rather work on something completely different, you could set status of this one to Draft, that will free up a creation slot for another style.

Good luck in any case!