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Commented on WhiteBird Hair creation

Hello and welcome!

Quite an interesting hair design you have, i really those front ears/feathers, looks very unusual!

There are few moments that would need to be taken care of before i would be able to approve this style though.

Hairstyles should only contain hair itself and possible hair clips/other decorational elements. What are those white parts within the hair (orange arrow)? If those are remains of head model, they need to be removed.

As for the scrunchy (green arrow, red arrows), for it to keep the color in game you need to make a separate mask blueprint. Mask tells the game which parts of Hair can be recolored when player changes their hair color (0.0.0 rgb) and which always stay the same (255.255.255 rgb). You can find detailed instructions for that here > 

It can be helpful to check out models and blueprints of already existing hairstyles, in our Database they are located here >

You also need to check out hair out with equipped Hat and Face since those cut to certain level and will expose parts that one would never expect to be seen :) Please be sure that your hairstyle is also beautiful on the inside.

As for appearance, i believe it could be good to simplify the model a bit and clean up most of the spiky separate voxels. I made a quick example of what i mean, you dont have to copy it but i do hope it will inspire you for improvements :)

My edit is on the left side, with more flat surfaces and more 'volume' in certain areas, your original design is on the right side, all recolored to yellow instead of hard-to-see red.

Last but definitely not least, it could be really nice to add some shading to the model, in game that will make hair look a bit more like actual hair. Shading = shades of darker and lighter Red.

For example, a model colored this way with a mask (its same model but from different angles):

would look like this in game:

Im going to change status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review once you upload changes. If you would rather create something completely different - you could change the status of this one to Draft. That will hide it from the public list and will free up a slot for another creation :)

Hoping to see this one on review again, but in any case, good luck!