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Commented on Thunderbolt Staff creation


What a nice idea for a staff! Quite well made too :) 

I have a couple of minor suggestions that i believe could improve appearance of the design.

You already tried out material maps, and glowing solid on the lightning bolt itself looks just right! How about some transparency for the cloud though? Some shape cleanup could also be a good thing. By shape cleanup i mean fewer single standing voxel cubes and less 'holes' in the body of a cloud.

Another thing, may be make the lightning bolt shaped closer to a classic cartoon-ish lightning shape? At first glance it is a bit hard to tell that its not a golden rod or other kind of shaft.

I ve made a quick edit with those two suggestions in mind to show you what i mean, more or less. You dont need to copy it, but i do hope it can inspire you for some improvements :)

Im going to change status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review once you upload changes. If you would rather create something completely different - you could change the status of this one to Draft. That will hide it from the public list and will free up a slot for another creation :)

Hoping to see this staff on Review again, but good luck in any case!