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Commented on Perma Love Sword Melee creation

Hello again! Good to see you keep creating outside of the challenge :)

Sword has a very nice idea behind it, i like the overall shape and colors! Brass grip and handle turned out extraordinary well. Although i cant really place the purple on it, whats that meant to be?

About the technical side, weapons have quite some restrictions because of the way they are used in game. Every design has to fit within bounding box around the Attachment point, else there is a very good chance it will clip through/look weird on classes during animations. 

At the moment your sword is a bit too long and too 'tall' (on Y dimension). I would need to ask you to make sure it fits in required 9x9x35.

Another thing, Material maps. They can not overlap, meaning one voxel can not be both Glowing on Type map and Metal on Specular. Alpha map is only used for voxels that are mapped glass/glowing glass/tiled glass on Type map. Image below has the current Material maps on the left side and mapping that would work (not necessarily best one from design point of view though) on the right side.Attachment point has to be present on all maps in the same location, else game wouldnt know where to apply mapping to. On your Troxel link the Specular map has no AP.

With that said, Troxel has a very easy way to check if your design has any technical issues. Look for Lint and Export button when model is opened. Chose the type of your style and click on it, that will highlight any mistakes and show tips to fix them, if there are any.

Going to set this one to Active for a few. Set it back to Review if you upload updated model :)