Trove Game Ideas - Lorekeeper Son'orta
Each time Luxion visits the hub, players are able to buy one Unwritten Lore Book from him for just 5 Dragon Coins. Players will need to hold on to this item for a week, because the weekend after Luxions visit, Lorekeeper Son'orta will be found wandering the hub.
Lorekeeper Son'orta is a strange one. He claims to have seen all that expired in the lands of Trove and beyond. Some people even say he could be the Builder.
Players can trade in the item for a quest of lore. These quests are small quest chains of 3 adventures long and will be tied to the lore type chosen by the player.
These quests are non-repeatable, and players aren't able to drop these either. Finishing the quest chain will award the player with a living lore ally (book).
Biome Lorebooks: (one biome can contain multiple books)
- Kill inhabitants in the picked biome. (100)
- Complete 1-star dungeons in the picked biome. (10)
- Complete 3-star dungeons in the picked biome. (5)
None-Biome Lorebooks:
- Kill inhabitants in any biome. (100)
- Complete 1-star dungeons in any biome. (10)
- Complete 3-star dungeons in any biome. (5)
Pinata: (can only be completed during events, may require a special Unwritten Pinata Book, that drops from pinatas)
- Kill any mobs (100)
Event-Lorebooks: (can only be completed during events, may require a special Unwritten Lore book sold by event vendors)
- Kill event mobs (100)
- or Complete 1-star dungeons in any biome. (10)
- or Complete 3-star dungeons in any biome. (5)