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Commented on Red Hot Wings giveaway

Good luck, to people who really need it.
I hope those who try to act nice or look nice or make an excuse to get the wings will not get them.
And Hopefully I get them so yeah, we all got 2 more days so don't say UHH i don't have any wings so it be cool if I got them cause I can make a new account and say I work hard on my account harder then you but in the end i win cause i made excuses that be rude and disgusting dirty play, not only that there people like me who need  the giveaways unlike you, you can play trove 24/7 I can play trove 12 Hours or less cause my laptop overheats and my screen is broken so I got to wait 2 months until I get my new pc so I can play either way all of you beggers should get the point. I'm trying to be nice and so everybody gets a chance, either way, the people who see you beg don't pick you for it if they pick you still that means that the tactic works and you just using the same thing on every giveaway.