Club Commands

Command Description

Command Syntax


Accept a club Invite.

/club acceptinvite

Must have an open club slot.

Add permissions to a rank in your club.

/club addrankpermissions …

Must have EditPermissions permission. This can also be done in the club window.

Block a player from entering your club.

/club block

Must have Blocklist permission.

Clear permissions from a rank in a club

/club clearrankpermissions

Must have EditPermissions permission. This can also be done in the club window.

Demote a player in a club

/club demote

Must have Demote permission. Players cannot be demoted below Member. This can also be done in the club window.

Disband a Club

/club disband

Must be club president.

Displays a Club’s  Portal Opt-Out Status

/club getportalsoptout

Must have AccessControl permission. Only works in club world.

Lists the permissions of a rank in your club.

/club getrankpermissions

This can also be viewed in the club window.

Get information on whether or not a zone is damageable

/club getzonedamageable

Only works in club worlds.

Invite a player to your club.

/club invite

Must have Invite permission. This can also be done in the club window.

Kick a player from your club.

/club kick

Must have Kick permission, this kicks the player out of the club itself, not the club world. This can also be done in the club window.

Leave your club.

/club leave

This can also be done in the club window.

List the clubs you are a member of.

/club list

This can also be viewed in the club window.

Lists the logs of your club.

/club log

This can also be viewed in the club window.

Sets your primary club.

/club makeprimary

If the Club Name is left blank this will just remove your Primary Club Affiliation. This can also be done in the club window.

Prints the name of the club you are in

/club name

Only works in club worlds.

Promotes a player within your club one rank.

/club promote

Must have Promote permission. Players cannot be promoted to or above the promoting player’s rank. This can also be done in the club window.

Opts the Club into showing up in the Club HQ in the Hub

/club portalsoptin

Must have AccessControl permission. Only works in club world.

Opts the Club out of showing up in the Club HQ in the Hub

/club portalsoptout

Must have AccessControl permission. Only works in club world.

Removes one or more permissions from a rank in a club.

/club removerankpermissions …

Must have EditPermissions permission. This can also be done in the club window.

Sets a player’s rank.

/club setrank

Must have Promote or Demote permission. Players cannot be promoted to or above the promoting player’s rank. This can also be done in the club window.

Sets a biome to be damageable or not.

/club setzonedamagable <0 or 1>

Must have AccessControl permission.

Unblocks a player from joining your club’s world.

/club unblock

Must have Blocklist permission.

Changes the world name.


Changes the name of the clubworld you are currently in. Use quotes to use multiple worlds.

Forces a PVP match to start with less players, but doesn’t provide XP


Only usable when queuing from a Club.

Restricts clubmembers from modifying a zone.

/zonerestrict <basic/modify/expert/nobody>

Must have AccessControl permission.


General commands

Command Description

Command Syntax


Lists players in the same chat as you.



Lists the Chat Channels you are in


These commands both do the same thing

Allows or prevents a cornerstone from being affected by bombs and abilities.

/cornerstonedamageable <true/false>


Clears the cornerstone in the designated slot


Uses array numbering, slot 0 is cornerstone 1. This can also be done in the Cornerstone UI.

Adds FPS, Latency, and Location information to the UI.



To return to the start of a delve before the boss has been spawned.



To teleport to the boss once it has been spawned.



Exports an account from PC/Live to PC/PTS



Generates a file with your player information



Adds the specified player as your friend.



Lists your friends



Displays how much time you have earned towards your next battle box.



Provides the world ID of the world you are in.



Lists the amount of XP you have

/getxp OR /xp


Puts the player on your ignore list.



Joins the specified Chat Channel



Invites the player to join you.



Joins the specified world.


If a club is deleted and a new club is made with the same name you will need to use the world ID to join the new club.

Kicks the player from your world


In club worlds: Only usable by players with kick privileges who are above the rank of the player being kicked.

In Shadow Tower: Only usable by the player who opened the shadow tower.

Leaves the specified Chat Channel



Prints your current location.



Shows where your mastery is coming from.



Closes Trove.



Displays the region of the server you are connected to.



Kills your character and causes them to respawn without losing Magic Find.


Cannot be used in Delves. Instead, see /delvestart and /delveboss

Toggles the display of your equipped face mask.



Toggles the display of your equipped hat.



Shows your characters statistics.



Display the translation ID on tooltips



Opens the Trove Store.



Places your character into the tutorial.



Opens the Welcome Screen



Provides a list of players in the same zone as you.




Command Description

Command Syntax


Makes your character cry.



Makes your character dance.



Makes your character strike an epic pose.



Makes your character laugh.



Makes your character strike a pose.



Makes your character shrug.



Makes your character sit.



Makes your character sleep.



These commands both do the same thing

Makes your character wave.




Video and Graphic Commands

Command Description

Command Syntax


Changes your Render Distance


Can be set between 32 and 210, the default is 128. Lower to increase performance.

Toggles Special Effects on or off

/fxenable <1|0>

Disabling FX can improve performance.

Chanes your Level of Detail Distance


Can be set between 15 and 96, the default is 60. Lower to increase performance.

Toggles Multisample Anti-Aliasing on or off.

/msaa <1|0>


Toggles Bloom Effects on or off.

/postbloom <1|0>

Disabling Bloom can slightly improve performance.

Toggles Depth of Field Effects on or off.

/postdof <1|0>

Disabling Depth of Field Effects can improve performance.

Toggles Edge Effects on or off.

/postedge <1|0>

This command does not work on all objects.

Toggles Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing on or off.

/postfxaa <1|0>


Toggles Lens Flare Effects on or off.

/postlensflare <1|0>

Disabling Bloom can slightly improve performance.

Toggles R.E.T.R.O.M.O.D.E. on or off.


Sets supersampling to 25% and puts a filter over the game. Can slightly improve performance.

Toggles Shader Effects on of off.

/shadercomplexity <1|0>

Disabling Shader Effects can make it more difficult to see in dark areas.

Enables/Disables/Enhances Super Sampling


Default is 1 which renders normally. 0 Sets the rendering strength to 50% which can cause performance improvements. Numbers above 1 increase processing power required to run the game.

Toggles Vertical Sync on or off.

/vsync <1|0>

This can be enabled to help prevent screen tearing.


Audio Commands

Command Description

Command Syntax


Sets the game effects SFX volume.


Can be set between 0 and 100.  Can also be changed in the Audio Settings.

Sets all volumes in the game.

/mastervolume < number >

Can be set between 0 and 100, the default is 100. Can also be changed in the Audio Settings.

Sets the music volume.


Can be set between 0 and 100. Can also be changed in the Audio Settings.


  • February 28, 2023: Noted that /respawn no longer works in delves, added /delvestart and /delveboss commands


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I also just found out yesterday that there is alos




This will obviously make your character wave


I never knew doing /wave would make you wave.



i know, right. i was shocked to believe it too.