Electrolytic Enthusiast Weekly
Database Changes
Changes in the database for Electrolytic Enthusiast Weekly
obtained from to Can be fished up from pools of any liquid type once players gain the ability to earn Marks of the Angler (after upgrading very first node/bubble - Aura of the Angler)
March 6, 2023 Contribution
mastery from 0 to 100March 6, 2023 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkMarch 6, 2023 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkMarch 6, 2023 Contribution
description changed- from 'Creates 1,500 Freerange Electrolytic Crystals when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged one a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.'
- to 'Creates 1,500 Freerange Electrolytic Crystals when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.'
February 28, 2023 Gunslinger Noscope
Entry created
November 22, 2022 Reeling in the Stars