
Squirrelly Sniper

A costume for the Shadow Hunter. The hunted becomes the hunter.

Designed by: Trove Team


Database Changes

Changes in the database for Squirrelly Sniper

mastery from 0 to 70

January 6, 2024 Contribution

troxel changed from nothing to Link

January 3, 2024 Contribution

troxel changed from nothing to Link

January 3, 2024 Contribution

troxel changed from nothing to Link

January 3, 2024 Contribution

troxel changed from nothing to Link

January 3, 2024 Contribution

images from to https://trovesaurus.com/images/uploads/TQB2886.png

November 28, 2023 Contribution

images from to https://trovesaurus.com/images/uploads/TUSX96M.png

November 27, 2023 Contribution

images from to https://trovesaurus.com/images/uploads/B81IN2P.png

November 27, 2023 Contribution

images from to https://trovesaurus.com/images/uploads/QLQIODZ.png

November 27, 2023 Contribution

images from to https://trovesaurus.com/images/uploads/Q8Q07SN.png

November 27, 2023 Contribution

icon changed from to

October 7, 2023 The Trouble with Titles

Entry created

October 4, 2023 The Trouble with Titles