Licorice Lord

Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Licorice Lord"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Licorice Lord"
Blitz and Glitz Edition
Avarem / Trove Forums
Preview: S * New VFX for Candy Barbarian - Licorice Lord costume. * Dracolyte VF Show
Arriving on 4/21/15!
* There are new costumes on the store (and in a brand new pack), they are:
* The Heartbreaker for the Gunslinger, by CloBunny
* The Bee Trickster for the Fae Trickster, by Rajeeb
* The F43 Trickster for the Fae Trickster, by Leeon1234
* The Sugar Skull for the Candy Barbarian, by Astrick
* The Dark Infineon for the Candy Barbarian, by Screamheart
* The Heartbleed for the Neon Ninja, by Astrick
* The Lunar Ronin for the Neon Ninja, by Thelgmo
* The Shadow’s Disciple for the Ice Sage, by FriedSushi
* Chaos Chests have been randomized. Open a few and see what’s in there this week! We’ve put in a few Meownts plus the Neon Nightcycle and a bouncing bug we found lying around.
* The hotbar has been updated to the new UI style.
* The star bar has been updated to the new UI style.
* There are now some new graphics settings that are testable for high end users (coming soon to actual video settings near you).
* Type /postbloom to test out bloom
* Type /postssao to test out ambient occlusion.
* New VFX for Candy Barbarian - Licorice Lord costume.
* Dracolyte VFX beefed up a little.
* Fixed bug where Dracolyte and Pirate Captain familiars disappeared after player fell to their death
* You can now join other club members in their worlds from the club roster!
* Fix for Class Coin or Flask coin not unlocking your selection if in a specific slot.
* Fixed bug where wings sometimes got triggered by normal jumps in club worlds
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to get more than 8 people in a Shadow Arena or Dungeon
* Corrected the orientation on the Gunslinger charged shots and Chaos Hound's footprints.
* Enemies no longer leave combat in Shadow Arenas
* New hairstyles by Rajeeb, Phydra, MonsterAnt and Pupshies have been added to the game!
* New hat styles by Ranen, SK8REX, Sqwyt, Aviarei, Mythlit, Brava, Eriri, The_Coby, Shalimar, AngeloTGC, Fizzinc, TigerLove, Mansage, Knightlock, Estavos, MappyT, MonsterAnt, MajorTom, chocobag, and Stedms have been added to the game!