Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Towel"
Yeah :-/ the idea is appreciated just a sad reality. Looking forward to the next submission!
The issue here is, while the voxel art does separate it enough from towely, it also makes it hard to tell what it is. I'm not sure this guy will work as a cornerstone piece :-/ I think it may just bee too small a space to communicate the piece properly sorry to say.
Other than the reference to towely. I think this may be a bit off the mark for trove style. I would maybe hit a up a re-design. The corner connected voxels also feel odd (which is an issue not unique to your submission) I think the concept is cute though. So maybe toy with the design a bit more and figure out how to make it more Trove like. Setting back to active. Change to review when you feel it's ready for another look :)