Helmut Von Fiddler
20 20



Demonstrating mastery-level ambidexterity, Helmut can play both the world's smallest violin, as well as its largest.
20 Pontos de Maestria



Purchased from merchant that spawn very rarely upon completing 1* and 3* dungeons in Treasure Isles for 1000 Golden Seashells.

WARNING: Viking ally Merchants persist in the world for only 5 minutes. Their merchant UI will display how long they have remaining. Each player may only purchase this pet from a Merchant once per week!

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.

Using the following items can unlock this collection

Helmut Von Fiddler

Ally | | 50 Stability | -10% Incoming Damage | 200 Light |

Last updated 2 years ago by Asled

? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.

? NÍVEL DE PODER RANQUE DE PODER é concedido por Equipamentos, Colecionáveis, Níveis de Personagem e várias outras fontes. Ele serve como uma medida solta de quão efetivo você é quando se trata de combate em Trove. Muitos mundos exigem um valor mínimo de Ranque de Poder antes que você tenha permissão de acesso.

Criado por: Trove Team

Icon blueprint: 2023/allies/turtle_viking/c_c_turtle_viking_ui

Updated: 2 years ago | Created: 2 years ago | Imported in Patch: Gunslinger Noscope

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

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