Foamy Refreshment
Database Changes
Changes in the database for Foamy Refreshment
effects from to
- 12.0% Magic Damage
- 12.0% Physical Damage
October 5, 2021 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkMarch 14, 2020 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkMarch 14, 2020 Contribution
images from to 14, 2020 Contribution
mastery from to -1July 21, 2019 Contribution
effects from toAlly
- 12 % Magic Damage
- 12 % Physical Damage
December 19, 2018 Contribution
powerrank from 0 to 20December 19, 2018 Contribution
obtained from toUnlocked by random from [item=The Streamer Dream 3] from Giveaways.
September 3, 2018 Contribution