Pampered Poodle
Database Changes
Changes in the database for Pampered Poodle
obtained changed from
When Cranny Dogs are in rotation on the Cranny NPC, can be claimed once the player has [Excitable Iggy], [Galloping Golden], [Bouyant Basset], [Komopondor] and [Long Lad] already unlocked in their collections.
toCan be claimed from Cranny The Curiosity Cat when Dog Mounts set is in rotation.
\r\nAll the other mounts from this set need to be purchased for the Claim to become available: [Excitable Iggy], [Galloping Golden], [Bouyant Basset], [Komopondor] and [Long Lad].
October 12, 2024 Database Change
images from to 30, 2024 Contribution
obtained changed fromWhen Cranny Dogs are in rotation on the Cranny NPC, can be claimed once the player has [Excitable Iggy], [Galloping Golden], [Bouyant Basset], [Kompondor] and [Long Lad] already unlocked in their collections.
toWhen Cranny Dogs are in rotation on the Cranny NPC, can be claimed once the player has [Excitable Iggy], [Galloping Golden], [Bouyant Basset], [Komopondor] and [Long Lad] already unlocked in their collections.
October 3, 2023 Database Change
obtained changed fromto
When Cranny Dogs are in rotation on the Cranny NPC, can be claimed once the player has [Excitable Iggy], [Galloping Golden], [Bouyant Basset], [Kompondor] and [Long Lad] already unlocked in their collections.
October 3, 2023 Database Change
rarity changed from '' to 'Common'October 3, 2023 Database Change
mastery changed from '0' to '50'October 3, 2023 Database Change
troxel changed from nothing to LinkMay 10, 2023 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkMay 10, 2023 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkMay 10, 2023 Contribution
Entry created
April 18, 2023 Fees and Felines