
Aurym, Keeper of Histories

Tales great and small - of love, of loss, of glory, friendship, and betrayal - all are known to Aurym.

Having this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +7% Attack Speed, +1000 Max Health and +50 Magic Find.

Designed by: Aviarei


Themes: Draconic

Included in Lists

This item is included in the following user lists.

Personal Wishlist (10 items)

Items I really want to get hands on and might even trade art and stuff for.

Created by WyvernWarr, 7 years ago

Favourite Things (2 items)

Created by subliminalcanine, 7 years ago

drog (8 items)

Created by eliya irani, 7 years ago

drog (8 items)

Created by eliya irani, 7 years ago