Kazuki, the Dancing Flame
Database Changes
Changes in the database for Kazuki, the Dancing Flame
images from to https://trovesaurus.com/images/uploads/3HIMO19.png
July 10, 2023 Contribution
images from to https://trovesaurus.com/images/uploads/DCJ0X36.pngJuly 10, 2023 Contribution
obtained from to- Not obtainable now.
- Was an exclusive item in the Lunacy Pack.
- Was on the CC rotation as rare loot.
October 17, 2018 Contribution
mastery from 0 to 50October 17, 2018 Contribution
effects from toMount
- 90 Movement Speed
October 17, 2018 Contribution
Entry created
September 15, 2015 Rise of the Shadow Tower