Molten Magma Sifter

Database Changes
Changes in the database for Molten Magma Sifter
obtained from
This fishing pole can be crafted at the [item=nautical assembler]
toThis fishing pole can be crafted at the [nautical assembler].
Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game Marketplace.
January 6, 2024 Contribution
description changed- from 'A heat-resistant pole which unlocks fishing in lava. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in the Hub.'
- to 'A heat-resistant pole which unlocks fishing in lava. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.'
September 22, 2020 Hubdate
mastery from 0 to 20July 3, 2018 Contribution
obtained fromNautical Assembler in the Hub
- Ancient Scales 5
- Primordial Flames 50
- Shapestone 100
This fishing pole can be crafted at the [item=nautical assembler]
July 3, 2018 Contribution
Entry created
March 31, 2015 Fish 'N' Ships