SS Dinghy

Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "SS Dinghy"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "SS Dinghy"
Radiant Uber Dragons (with Badges) Edition
Morgana / Trove Forums
Preview: ed on the ground. * The SS Corgi and SS Dinghy clippers have been retrofitted wi Show
Arriving on 6/16/15!
* The Azulian Dragon is the first dragon available via challenges, and will be available that way for a limited time!
* Consume dragon souls to advance your dragon and increase their powers.
* The Dragon Spirit will be added in a future update, and will grant passive benefits. There is one per challenge dragon type.
* Dragon Caches are available via challenges and the store.
* Challenges spawn at the top of the hour and last 20 minutes. You get points for completing dungeons and lairs with a 3X multiplier for Uber 5, 9X multiplier for Uber 6, and an additional 3X multiplier if you're playing one of the bonus classes chosen for you.
* The more points you earn (within four progressive ranks) the more Dragon Caches you get.
* Dragon Caches have Dragon Souls, materials to craft Dragon Souls, Dragon Coins, and a nice chunk of forging materials.
* You must be Mastery Rank 30 to unlock Challenges
* Badges are a collection type that unlocks as your tracked stats increase.
* Badges currently go from bronze to gold, and grant mastery, Cubits, and in the case of Patron Points, fancy mounts!
* In the near future, badges will go even higher and also unlock other collectables.
* Stats tracked include:
- Friends acquired
- Quests completed
- Blocks destroyed
- Boxes opened
- Consecutive days logged in
- Total days logged in
- Stuff fished
- Patron points earned
* Uber 6 portals can now be crafted and used. Uber 6 is hard.
* Uber 6 can drop up to Shadow Level 3 equipment and has a higher chance of dropping other rarities as well
* Shadow Level 5 equipment can now be forged.
* Radiant equipment can now be forged as an upgrade from Shadow Level 5.
* Radiant weapons have cosmetic VFX which can be randomized at the advanced forge for a nominal Glim cost.
* Costume boxes can now be purchased in packs of 10! For the cost of 9!
* Chaos boxes have been randomized. If you're lucky, you might get a Chaotic Clipper, Chaotic Cruiser ,a uni-cycle and more!
* Azulian Dragon Caches (see above)
* Equipment now counts towards required level.
* Note: you can still join someone in a world or have them use /joinme
* The minimum required levels to enter Uber worlds have been increased:
- Uber 2 - 12
- Uber 3 - 15
- Uber 4 - 20
- Uber 5 - 26
- Uber 6 - 32
* Fixed uncommon server crash when using Boomeranger.
* Boomeranger projectiles are now faster.
* Added a move cornerstone Golden Thread objective.
* Added a chance for Shadow-2 items to drop in Uber 5 adventure worlds.
* All equipment now has a better chance to drop with additional forge quality stars.
* The Summer Hub is now here!
* The hub generates higher on the terrain now.
* Small caterpillars no longer drop loot.
* Ore should now spawn 'clumpier'.
* Added item stats to consumable collection-unlocking items (like mounts, boats, etc.)
* Placeable crafting machines now trigger the 'are you sure?' prompt when dropped on the ground.
* SS Draconic, SS Dutchman, and Chaotic Clipper now trigger the 'are you sure?' prompt when dropped on the ground.
* The SS Corgi and SS Dinghy clippers have been retrofitted with helms; you will no longer need to rely on pirate voodoo to steer them.
* Deconstructing resulting in more than 9999 of a single item stack will now grant players the correct amount, instead of "just" 9999 of them.
* Fixed a bug where mastery point text in tooltips were very hard to read.
* Fixed a bug where many collectables showed 0 mastery points.
* Fix for forging breaking if you were using a forge while it was removed from the world.
* Fixed bug where quest triggers don't show instruction text; increased interactable area of quest triggers.
* Fixed bug in compass FOV Changing aspect ratio now correctly updates compass.
* Fae Boughskimmer should now give mastery correctly.
* Fixed a client crash.
* Source Spectre mask should no longer clip into hairstyles.
* Summer Pin Head should now display its icon correctly when trading it.
* Fixed a bug where water next to a cornerstone would not update after removing said cornerstone.
* Polish to Radiant Temple Prism Quests Audio.
* Onimous Totem audio - size increase.
* Fixed bug where equipped starter weapons disappeared until relogging if you forge them beyond your current level.
* Fixed a crash that would happen when pressing the spacebar and enter key at the exact same time.
* Color and lighting polish for tutorial, forest, desert, candy, undead, and peaceful biomes.
* Fixed bug where portal tooltips are high above the portal.
* Fixed bug where using the Rally Blade always toggled players being able to teleport to you and never teleported you to other players.
* Fixed a bug where if you opened chat while loading your camera would remain free when other windows were open and it would be really annoying.
* New Novice Highlands lair from Stedms.