A list of all the collection items found in the client, some of these items may not be in the game.
Heckbug Harrier
Neon Nightsky
Dream Brony
Pride Sail
Chocolate Belemental
Confetti Jetties
Octo-BUS Drone
Pudgy Heckbug
Memento: Taseroid
Granny Trickster
Memento: Reanimated Knight
Memento: Eggbert the Crawler
Sir Dapper Duckington
Afternoon Tea Table
Sun-taur, Banner-holder of the Tysorion Front
Peppermint Panda
Gabby Gobbler
Spirit of Azorian
Khadavros, the Waiting Oblivion
Avenging Arbiter
LED Wranglerfish
Erel, The Ironbolt
Pink Gummy Barbearian
Fry Ferdinand
Lucky Onion
Memento: Creepy Crawler
Diamond Refer A Friend Badge