Heaven Unchained PC

Heaven Unchained

A club on PC. Ranked #121/1581 by number of reported props.

Heaven Unchained


Members 2 Entry managed by Hycker


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

Heaven Unchained is an almost 2 year old club with friendly members.
If you are looking for a LOT of fun and awesome people to hang out with then you're exactly what we're looking for!

We have all mandatory buildings, benches (includ. Crucible) and all portals!
No matter if you are new or a veteran. Every player is welcome!

1. English only.
2. Always be friendly and respectful! Just as much to club members as to everyone else!
3. No scamming, harassing, racism, spamming, WTB's/WTS's in club chat, begging or advertising! -> breaking one of the listed points will lead to a kick.


Everything sounds awesome to you? You want to be part of a friendly and awesome community and you agree to our rules?
Then all you have to do is:

1: Add the people listed below to your friends list and regularely try to contact them for your invitation.

2: Leave a comment with your IGN (ingame name) in this thread.


- Tyreuzs (founder)
- Hycker
- MyBrothersKeeper

- Arborism
- Aurelionlord
- Lolimasters
- Mipe

- Tsukuru_
- Princelelouch1

We look forward to meeting you!