Dobrochan PC
Just a "storage" club, from back in the days. Main one, atm. [rus/multi]
A club on PC. Ranked #626/1578 by number of reported props.
Club Charter
The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.
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#1. Be polite.
#2. Be 20% more polite.
#3. No swearing. There are kids watching this, for fuck's sake.
#4. No spamming. No spamming. No spamming.
#5. No begging. Please? Pretty please?..
#6. - "That's #6." Thanks, Captain, your boat is ready.
#7. Any of us has the capacity to light up a room. Some when they enter, others when they leave it.
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#1. Будьте вежливы.
#2. Будьте на 20% более вежливы.
#3. Не ругайтесь. Сюда, блять, и дети заходят.
#4. Не спамить. Не спамить. Не спамить.
#5. Не попрошайничать. Хорошо? Пожалуйста? Ну пожалуйста?..
#6. - "Это номер шесть." Спасибо, Капитан, ваша лодка готова.
#7. У самого интересного экспоната не бывает таблички с названием.
If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:
A personal storage club, so, sadly - no invites, sorry (at least, atm).