Sky Beta PC

A club on PC. Ranked #183/1581 by number of reported props.

Club Charter

The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.

1. NO Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, or general hatrid twards any persons/groups
2. Please be Respectfull to all members and Staff
3.No Scamming others of Flux or breaking Troves TOS (Terms of Service)
4.Trolling Attempts will be met with Swift action
5. Swearing is Allowed, but in moderation.


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

Level 11 Club, Maxed/ Best Fixtures, 400+ players, Weekly Giveaways, Members Building Area!, No Requirements to Join! /w SpyrophantomNEW if your interested, or ask around!