Lost World of Draco PC

A family oriented guild that has been around since about October 2020. Always creating something new. Setting up pvp areanas and mini games as well as other attractions.

A club on PC. Ranked #1138/1578 by number of reported props.

Club Charter

The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.

Not many rules established at this time. This list is not final.

1) Keep it clean and polite.

2) If you don't log in at least once a month you are out.

3) If you don't participate in the guild through donations of clubits or by doing club adventures you are out.

-----3a) Donation of clubits is set at 100 minimum per week to qualify as donation.

-----3b) Doing club adventures is set at a minimum of 1200 club experience per week.

4) Access to club chest(s) is given after 60 days AND donations totaling more than 1000 clubits.

5) If you did not build it do not destroy it. You destroy something that is not yours and you are out and blocked.

6) All rules are subject to change with out notice.

7) I may add a rule at anytime with out notice.


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

Add " Draconigen " to friends list and message that you want to join the club. I am the club master and creator, as well as club designer.