Fuzzy Wuzzy Trove PC

Fuzzy Wuzzy Trove! A relatively new club but has grown to be pretty big for it's young age! We have an active chat with helpful members, regular delves runs, CRAZY pinata parties, and a whole lot more!

A club on PC. Ranked #186/1578 by number of reported props.

Club Charter

The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.

 - Joking's fine but any excessive insults that cause disruption to the community is strictly against the rules

.- Any personal attacks to any member of the community either on Discord or in-game will be met with a mute, or in situations that officers or leaders deem fit, a ban.

 - Sending or linking any software/file/program that could be deemed malicious such as phishing, keyloggers, viruses, trojans etc, Will result in an immediate and permanent ban/kick.

 - Giving out any personal information without the consent of the corresponding party will result in a mute/demotion and a warning.

 - Do not post any NSFW content of sexual, violent or gory graphics/content. Message will be deleted and a mute may follow depending on the nature of the content. (NSFW content would be considered anything 18+ rated. Leader role/Officers will decide if it's acceptable or not).  

- Listen to Leaders and Officers. Officers distribute punishment where they see fit and are not exempt from the rules mentioned above. Leaders can overrule anything an Officer does, and any abuse of power from an Officer is unacceptable and could result in the role being removed depending on the scenario.


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

No requirements!!