The corrupted light PC

We are a friendly club where we talk together and help each other ! There is no requirement to join us. You just need to agree with our rules, read them at the spawn (or on the trovesaurus club page).

A club on PC. Ranked #830/1583 by number of reported props.

We are a friendly club where we talk together and help each other ! There is no requirement to join us. You just need to agree with our rules, read them at the spawn (or on the trovesaurus club page).


Members 1 Entry managed by Masterkill311

Inactive Club: This club is inactive.


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

{ In writting }


Members Recruitment : There are multiple way to become a member of our club here's a couple of them :

1. /whisper Masterkill311 (Im almost always online) or 0DarkMatter0.

2. Leave a comment on our trovesaurus club page with your IGN.

3. Come in our club world and ask to join in the world chat.

4. Message me on trovesaurus.


Architects Recruitment :


Officers Recruitment : Not recruiting for the moment