Dusk Stalkers PC

Dusk Stalkers is a club built around fun co-operation and helping lost players.

A club on PC. Ranked #1304/1582 by number of reported props.

Dusk Stalkers is a club built around fun co-operation and helping lost players.


Members 0 Entry managed by CDR_Shepard


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:


Dusk Stalkers have 3 Prime goals:

  1. To Explore and Have Fun!
  2. To aid and help the community grow around it.
  3. Provide players with a friendly, evolving environment in which to enjoy the game, and benefits of being in an organized club.



  • Violation of club rules or failure to abide by the member code of conduct will result in a warning.
  • At the officers’ discretion, receiving another warning within 7 days, or having multiple warnings over the course of 30 days, will result in removal from the club without further explanation.



  1. New/ Weaker Players Take Priority.
  2. Use common courtesy and sense
  3. Discrimination, and harassment is prohibited and will result in immediate removal from the guild fallowing officer investigation.
  4. Keep club chat neutral. Avoid heated discussions (political and/or religious)
  5. Please don’t spam profanity and vulgarity.
  6. Don’t  cheat, or otherwise exploit or abuse game systems or players.



  • Dusk Stalkers help the community when able. and aim to assist other players, both new and old.
  • Be kind and respectful to other players. Help the club develop a good reputation.
    • Take time to resurrect dead players, Don’t just leech!
    • Reachout and help complete challenges.
  • Support/ give back to Dusk Stalkers in some way not just use its resources.

               (If you take from the club or community chests, give back)



  • Unless stated or in a privet conversation with a Officer or Leader, Inactive members will be removed after 60 days.