Trovesaurus Changes

Showing posts in the #changes channel on the Trovesaurus Discord channel.

September 24, 2018
disabled the view on wiki button on pages with placeholder names
September 24, 2018
added support for our db editors to use improved and custom icons for collection pages
September 23, 2018
disabled the ability to create a subpage, we dont do much translating anymore
September 23, 2018
when viewing collection results by file, and then subcategory, you can return to the file with one click
September 23, 2018
collection results that link to items (fish / companions), will now respect changed icons instead of being stubborn
September 23, 2018
geode companions are now referenced from the collections table now
September 23, 2018
geode deco is now visible on the deco page
September 23, 2018
trophies are now hidden from the deco page, they still remain on the trophies page
September 23, 2018
mods can only be set for looking for artist when it is visible and does not have any notes applied to the mod, also the box for setting this now on the right hand side, not the main mod edit form
September 23, 2018
the gallery tab for viewing art you have liked is now much quicker to load, and now displays in order that you liked things
September 22, 2018
mods can now be assigned to a theme, the themes page is now tabbed and split by collection, items, styles and mods
September 22, 2018
dungeons are now grouped by type, instead of all merged together
September 22, 2018
the code vault will now hide code groups with no available codes
September 21, 2018
fixed an issue with the recipe importer, and imported some missing recipes
September 19, 2018
Replies to comments once again generate notification emails