Trovesaurus Changes

Showing posts in the #changes channel on the Trovesaurus Discord channel.

September 29, 2018
having your art or mods liked will no longer generate an email message, or private message, these will now show up in the new dismissable notification system, click the tick to mark as read

future updates will move comment notifications over to this system, and the less emails we sent out for trivial things, the more reliable and quick your login emails will be 😃
September 29, 2018
started the first step towards the new notifications system (dismissable!) as a result ive tweaked the private message and email systems, if anything looks broken, please report it
September 28, 2018
art will no longer be announced as hot, several messages could be posted at a time, prompting some complaints
September 28, 2018
the recipes importer will now respect changes in crafting table and category
September 27, 2018
refactored the permissions system, if odd things happen please let me know
September 27, 2018
class modinfo tab now outputs the other blueprint variations, for easier viewing
September 26, 2018
fixed an issue where some images on the mod page were tiny, if there were lots of other images
September 26, 2018
added a modinfo tab to class pages, and started filling with delicious info on related assets for the class, like dino models
September 26, 2018
the editor component of the text field of mod pages is now a full editor instead of light
September 25, 2018
the new grid view is now the default view for rigs
September 25, 2018
added a fix for special cases of qbcl downloads not showing on the rigs page for collection / item weirdness (looking at you companions)
September 25, 2018
added new internal tag [pack=id]
September 24, 2018
biomes can now have parent biomes for listing purposes, when visiting them you will be redirected to the main biome to prevent duplicates in the lists
September 24, 2018
updated the identifier for npc pages for comments, images, contributions etc, this fixes an issue where you were viewing an edit and taken to the wrong page
September 24, 2018
split the npc page to display forum mentions and dev tracker on another tab, it could make the page quite long