'CoolDown' Setting Boomeranger (Sword)
build by Wanterwolf
added 1 year ago.
This build was updated for
The Trouble with Titles
Even before the remake, I liked Boomeranger in the 'Cooldown' with 'Mover Speed' setting. That's why I set it up. When I set up "Cooldown", I get M2 Skill again In almost 3 times, the use of the ultimate is possible. USE : Crystal Ring - 'OVERSTUFFED URN'
Dracolyte Subclass
Stat Priority

Notes: C4 Ring - 'OVERSTUFFED URN'
Ally and Flasks
- 300 Light
- 20.0% Physical Damage
Increases cooldown recovery speed by 25%.
- 0 Flask Capacity
- -50% Flask Capacity
'Vial of Unleashed Power' Flask Features: No actual consumption of flasks when using the ultimate (No. 2 Skill), but activating flask and emblem effects.
When I set up "Cooldown", I get M2 Skill again
In almost 3 times, the use of the ultimate is possible.
Moreover, if you damage the enemy during 'Star Chart', it has a 10%/20% vitality absorption effect, so there is no major problem in survival.
Empowered Gems
I'm using something roughly... (for Pyrodisc travel speed)
Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Bawk-Bomb Class Gem
Big and Tiny Bombs become a Bawk-Bombs.
These spawns chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration.
Berserk Battler Cosmic Gem
Damaging enemies causes a frenzied state, adding a small increase to attack speed and Light.
Continued damage to enemies extends the frenzied state until it causes a berserk state, greatly increasing attack speed and Light.