Farm-friendly LL
Lunar Lancer
build by Rokuhara
added 8 years ago.
This build was updated for
January 9, 2017
Standard for farming with LL! Because of LL using mostly his 1, you can get some extra MS in, making him an absolute top speedfarmer (Well, besides NN and SH).
FarmingDamageLevelingShadow Towers
Notes: If used in ST or anything but speedfarming, replace MF with HP% on hat and with ER or CH on Ring. Also the MS isn't essential in ST, so you may swap that out for AS.
Stat Priority
Notes: As he's a physical damage dealer, we want to focus on PD, CH and CD for the pure DPS. MF and MS are essential for speed farming, so we want to try getting as much of those as possible!

Notes: We want as much magic find and movement speed as we can for speedfarming. Therefore we go with MS as the 4th stat on hat and Face. MF can be put as 3rd stat on hat and 2nd stat on ring, so try getting those as well.
Ally and Flasks
Rapt Berseker is imply the best for LL.
Again, simply the best. If your CH is high enough, you can swap out surestrike for something else. By then you probably know what you like to play with or what you prefer :)
Empowered Gems
And even more DPS here! LL's class gem is a bit underwhelming compared to others, but it's still better than most empos. Pyrodisc is also a good alternative if you shouldn't have good gems of the other 2.
Shadow Lancer Class Gem
Basic attacks have a chance to spawn a dark shadow version of you that attacks enemies.
In Lunarform the chance is increased.
Explosive Epilogue
Killing enemies causes them to explode.
\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
Spirit Surge
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of projectiles, applying damage-over-time to enemies based on your max health.
This gem has a cooldown.