Speedy Infinite HP Build
Shadow Hunter
build by Cubeve
added 6 years ago.
This build was updated for
Going Green Hotfix
This build includes a very overpowered gem. It's called the "Vampirian Vanquisher". This gem grants you a passive ability of life-steal and a giant boost of speed upon every kill. Including your Rapt Berserk ally and the Lunar Lancer sub-class (upon activation), you can get up to ~186 SPEED, and without the sub-class effect you get ~160 speed. This is around 1.5 times faster than a mount, so you will be storming through dungeons on U9 easily. The "Infinite-HP" part comes in with your class gem, if perfected, your build should not have one gem that grants gives Max HP (% or +). You should be at below 100k max hp. Your Shadow Blitz gives you a rapid fire with your arrows, as long as your hitting your arrows, you will regenerate to full hp before you even notice, this is OP for farming and shadow towers. Practically the fire-rate gives you HP quicker than you can notice. Additionally the other gems that you should have as a part of the build are: Stunburst, and Pyrodisc, as both will instantly kill enemies around you in "wave" dungeons. Magic Find is up to you to set, you should practically just have a ton of magic find from legendary dragons and stuff you made, if not just get some lol. Enjoy the build xd xd xd
TankDamageShadow TowersFarming
Notes: Tank: Infinite HP
Damage: Get CH, CD, and PD on all gems and small gems.
Shadow Towers: Infinite HP and the giant speed boost grants you an ez way through the ST.
Farming: The giant speed boost grants you a fast way through the land.
Lunar Lancer Subclass
Stat Priority
Notes: CD: At about 2K+ Crit Damage, you should deal an insane amount of DPS.
CH: Just get it to 100, above 100 is pointless but you can't avoid that xd.
PD: That's lower priority because CD and CH will cover you even with 40k PD.
MS: Have like 87 ms, and with the boosts get to 150+.

Notes: Use Crystal Items (above stellar from Geode), they add an extra stat including light.
Ally and Flasks
Killing an enemy will grant you movement speed, op?
Vials are practically useless with god-mode
Empowered Gems
Yeah... Vampirian Vanquisher + Shadow Blitz.
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of stunning projectiles, briefly disabling affected enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Shadow Blitz Class Gem
Basic attack becomes a rapid-fire stream of arrows.
Vampirian Vanquisher Cosmic Gem
Dealing a critical hit to enemies has a chance to increase movement speed and cause the next hit to leech health.
I hope this is not going to be patched, cause it's broken lol