2019 Dracolyte Hot Build

Dracolyte build by Morgonia added 6 years ago.

This build was updated for
Going Green

This build is absolutely 100% Hawt. also knight subclass is most epic shit, movement speed bonus on mount then extra thicc flasks. jeez win win win.

Shadow TowersFarmingDamageTank

Notes: This Build is for Farming And Support tanking in every aspect.

Knight Subclass

Mounted Cavalry - Increased movement speed while riding ground based mounts.

Stat Priority

Magic Damage
Critical Damage
Critical Hit
Energy Regeneration

Notes: If you hit 100% crit hit then focus getting more of Maximum health and Crit Dmg for extra thicc damage and survivality.

Max Health
Critical Damage
Movement Speed
Magic Damage
Energy Regen
Movement Speed
Max Health
Critical Damage
Magic Damage
Movement Speed
Magic Damage
Energy Regeneration

Notes: Focus on Getting Crit Damage, and dont get Crit Chance if you are like 100% crit now just make it into movement speed in equipments. also it applies in gems make some of the stats into max health or % MH if you already in 100% crit chances.

Ally and Flasks

パワーランク 75





You can also pick Samantha.

パワーランク 50



体力が少なくなった時に自動的に使用されます! ストアにてCubitまたはCreditで購入できます。

You can do [Vial of Minion of multiplication, Arcane Emblem, Evil Eye Emblem]. If you're good in popping flask, but for beginner i recommend Death-defying vial so no unexpected deaths.

パワーランク 50
パワーランク 50

10秒間 クリティカルヒットが+20%。

Weaver of WondersからFragment of Wonderで購入できます。

Empowered Gems

Pyrodisc for Movement and damage input, Cubic Curtain for Extra thicc survivality, Vampirian for sucking thicc health, burning ward is for your baby dracos.

Cubic Curtain

Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.

Burning Ward Class Gem

When a Burnt Offering detonates, it spawns a mini Dracolyte minion that attacks enemies for a brief duration.


Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.

This gem has a cooldown.

Vampirian Vanquisher Cosmic Gem

Dealing a critical hit to enemies has a chance to increase movement speed and cause the next hit to leech health.


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liked this!


You can't have 3 empowered water gems socketed. 

Don't you have to socket an Empowered Fire Gem, Empowered Air Gem and Empowered Water Gem along with an Empowered Cosmic Gem?  You show 3 Empowered Water Gems above and the Empowered Cosmic Gem.

wy the jump ? and suistrike with 100% crit ?? is this a starter build or endgame wtf


this build sucks sorry but it s sucks to  shadow towers and why you put ssurestrike on it ??

and aloot of jumps doenst make sense