Shadow hunter dps build (U10)
Shadow Hunter
build by Svemeh
added 6 years ago.
This build was updated for
Crystal Combat
DamageShadow TowersFarming
Lunar Lancer Subclass
Stat Priority

Notes: the second stat on the ring can be changed to Jump or Movment speed if you feel like it ;)
Ally and Flasks
- 20.0% Физический Урон
Gain 15% health when a nearby enemy dies.
Вы получаете 15% к здоровью и скорости передвижения, когда рядом погибает враг
Восстанавливает 40% здоровья при использовании
if you need more CH then change Beamer emblem to surstrike emblem.
and if you are getting instantly killed then change Valorous vial to Death-Defying Vial
Empowered Gems
Shadow Blitz Class Gem
Basic attack becomes a rapid-fire stream of arrows.
Explosive Epilogue
Killing enemies causes them to explode.
\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of stunning projectiles, briefly disabling affected enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.

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