Pure Dps

Neon Ninja build by Evilagician added 8 years ago.

This build was updated for
January 2, 2017

Based on the guide of SENTINELKNIFE

DamageFarmingShadow Towers

Stat Priority

Attack Speed
Critical Hit
Critical Damage
Maximum Health

Max Health
Attack Speed
% Max Health
Critical Damage
Physical Damage
Attack Speed
Critical Chance
Critical Damage
Max Health
Attack Speed
% Max Health
Critical Damage
Physical Damage
Critical Chance

Ally and Flasks

switch to Prowling Shadow if your health depletes too fast

Machtrang 50


Stellt bei Verwendung 30 % Gesundheit wieder her.

Wird automatisch bei niedriger Gesundheit verwendet. Kann mit Cubits oder Credits im Shop gekauft werden.
25 Beherrschungspunkte
Machtrang 50
Kann mit Cubits oder Credits im Shop gekauft werden.
25 Beherrschungspunkte
Machtrang 50

10 Sekunden lang +20% kritische Treffer

Kann bei einem Mirakelkrämer mit Wunderfragmenten erstanden werden.
25 Beherrschungspunkte

Empowered Gems

When you don't have your classgem yet, equip Stunburst.

Stinging Curse

Dealing damage applies damage-over-time effects to enemies.

Heuristic Haxstar Class Gem

Thrown shuriken are larger and have a wider effect area, pierce enemies, and apply the Stasis Blade effect.

Three ring shuriken deal additional damage and bonus critical damage.

Explosive Epilogue

Killing enemies causes them to explode.

\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.

Comments and Likes Comments 11

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add cosmic gems pls

what bonuses should i have in my gems?


Don't you need movement speed and jump thought?

Where does this build get jump from?


maybe you dont need jump

If reaching over 100% critical hit from gems, I suggest replacing the CH from Ring and Weapon to Jump on weapon, and MF on ring, as well as MF on hat and keep the MH% on face, Surestrike can also be replaced with Unyielding for 3 second immunity to damage (unless it's DotM's instagib) or even Bountiful for a chance to not use a flask charge.

How high can I solo with this build? 

why stinging curse??? isn't pyro disc better?


The Stinging Curse DoT stacks multiple times and scales with the martial emblem and arcane emblems.

Wouldn't your Energy deplete too quickly without ER on your ring? Also maybe Pyrodisc over stinging curse for DPS? Just humble suggestions :)

neon ninja don't need much ER because the only skill that neon use is right-click skill (after you got class gem), and right-click skill just use a little bit of energy.