Very fast for farm and mining
Neon Ninja
build by BBllaacckk
added 7 years ago.
This build was updated for
Hotfix October 3, 2017
This build is a really good build for farm and mining, and races ;)
Knight Subclass
Stat Priority
Notes: Move Speed for be really fast,
Lasermancy for fastmining,
Jump for be free in the sky
And attack speed for fast collect Radiant shards, Sunlight bulbs and other
Ally and Flasks
Ganhe um aumento de velocidade de movimento quando um inimigo morre por perto
+10 Movement speed
+8 Jump
The best ally for farm (But if you want to mine take Diggsly)
Elysian Bandolier for have more charge to use emblems,
Megaminer for mining intensive,
Surestrike for movement speed and jump
+20% de Chance Crítica por 10 segundos
Empowered Gems
Take what you want