Draco God build
build by MichaelDragonHeart
added 7 years ago.
This build was updated for
September 19, 2017
Give Draco high hp / high hp regen also super high energy regen and give him the sub class tome raiser this class is for experienced players and kind of sucks till it gets its class gem so when u get it make sure to have high energy regen and hp the draco class gem will allow you to have a mid (chance) to summon mini draco morphs which do the same dmg as your base form max that can be summoned isn't limited but the more that are summoned the harder they are to summon and the lower chance u have to summon them so pare this with the tome raiser class every time a enemy dies u have a chance to summon a (RANDOM) npc u can only summon one sub class npc ans stacking this with the mini draco morphs will boost your dmg out put insanely also when in full draco morph form your dmg out put is doubled and some of the npc minions that are summoned shares effects with your mini draco morphs and another plus for the mini draco morphs is that enemy's will not target u if u have at least one mini draco morph summoned but when the mini draco morphs hp hits below 10% the enemy will start locking on to you and other players like normal and best flask for a draco to have so far is the vampirice flask and gems = spider webbing gem which stops / dramatically slows down enemy's 2nd gem = the red circle field gem effect this will rapidly dmg any enemys in the red circle and if the enemy manages to hit the middle of the red circle they will be snared in the middle and take L amounts of dmg for a long time while you and your mini draco morphs are attacking them. PVP use the minion summoning lady bug banner best for flag runs and defending / guarding points or taking out enemy's hardest to take on so far would be the rev unless your energy is full and u can transform into full draco morph then u can place 2 bombs at the same time as in draco morph form usually insta killing revs and other enemy's try to stay away from revs if you can unless you want a challenge then have at it but do not try and take on rev and a shadow hunter at the same time the rev will use the void attack draining your hp and the shadow hunter can charge an attack that will instantly kill you. this is all i have thi sis the best build iv ever seen and used. also don't for get phy dmg for the mini flyign drak that fly's next to you its attack does phy dmg
TankDamageShadow TowersPvP
Tomb Raiser Subclass
Stat Priority

Ally and Flasks
- 8.0% Физический Урон
- 8.0% Магический Урон
Сокращает время восстановления на 10%
Нанося урон врагам имеет шанс взорвать их
Восстанавливает 40% здоровья при использовании
Empowered Gems
Burning Ward Class Gem
When a Burnt Offering detonates, it spawns a mini Dracolyte minion that attacks enemies for a brief duration.
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of stunning projectiles, briefly disabling affected enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Mired Mojo
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of snaring projectiles, reducing enemy Movement Speed.
This gem has a cooldown.