Full Tank Candy Barb
Candy Barbarian
build by Zidinitial
added 8 years ago.
This build was updated for
January 2, 2017
A full tank build for tanking shadow towers :D
Shadow TowersTank
Notes: This build is to tank all the shadow towers in ultra.
Stat Priority
Notes: Since this is a full tank build, you will want to have Maximum Health, % Max Health, and you might as well go with Health Regen instead of damage stats since you won't be attacking 99.99% of the time. You also want the extra movement speed so you can move around faster around while using Scoop n' Gloop. A nice spot to aim is 2 million health, but you might need more depending on your group and if you have a chloromancer or not.

Notes: You can swap out % Max Health for Stability on the face and hat if you feel like you have enough max hp. You can also swap out Stability on the ring for Health Regen. The extra stability should help you stay in one area while pulling all the mobs in and the extra movement speed will help you move to grab enemies or move back to an area after being knocked back faster.
Ally and Flasks
Shield Servitor is a great ally for a tank candy barb as the -20% incoming damage will help a lot when the Pinata God does his slam or when any other mobs use hard hitting attacks.
However, you can also use King Quebsly or Dr. Quebsly for more health or health regeneration but I personally think shield servitor is better.
You want the Death-Defying Vial since it is the only flask that can activate while you are pulling mobs in.
There are several emblem options to use, the one I use is Damage Reflection with Vampiric since every time a hit is reflected it will heal you for 10% of your health. I also use it since Vampiric last for 8 seconds and the healing will probably keep you alive and leave you at full health after the full 8 seconds.
An alternate emblem combinations are Unyielding and Bountiful, but unyielding lasts only 2 seconds while the combination above lasts 8 seconds.
Empowered Gems
First, you need the class gem to pull mobs in, you don't really need Stunburst or Mired Mojo (as long as your gems have good tank stats on them) but the extra stun and slow every now and then always helps.
Scoop n' Gloop Class Gem
Sugar Crash now leaps straight up and crashes down, vacuuming enemies toward you and applying a brief snare.
Mired Mojo
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of snaring projectiles, reducing enemy Movement Speed.
This gem has a cooldown.
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of stunning projectiles, briefly disabling affected enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
The only bad part about this build is it depends on: How fast your group can kill things, since you only have 17 flasks max with Death Defying. But the more health you have (I would say health regen too, but the stat is pretty bad right now) you longer your team has to kill enemies.
Also a Chlormancer can also heal you which will usually stop you from using up all your flasks and should also remove the problem above ^^^. (Also once you have enough health you should be able to last long enough without a chloromancer with most groups)
When using this build you should start off the fight by using your ultimate (Eis-Crom Cone) to buff your group for the first few seconds of the fight. Then you should pull in all the mobs with Scoop n' Gloop and make sure to not stop pulling the mobs in.