Sundered UplandsBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting from Uber difficulty, the Uplands have a dedicated world at Uber-7 difficulty (Power Rank 2500). Home for the Solarion class, this biome is split in half - bottom is Ashen and grim while the Irradiant lifted lands are bathing in sunrays. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Sundered Uplands and Ashen themed styles together with decorations and framework recipes. The only biome to find Irradium Ore,
Irradiant Powercell,
Unnatural Device,
Emberslag Ore and
Ashfern Sporeling.
Resources and Items found in the biome
Phoenix Mote rare from all bosses, dungeons and invaders in the biome
Sundercharge Crystal weekly claims from 5-star dungeons
Glim from grass and rocks
Bomb from grass and rocks
Irradium Ore from mining Irradium veins on the top layer
Emberslag Ore from mining Emberslag veins on the bottom layer
Irradiant Powercell from harvesting Powercells on the top layer
Unnatural Device from harvesting Unnatural Devices on the top and the bottom layers
Ashfern Sporeling from harvesting Ashen Ferns, grass and rocks on the bottom layer
Irradiant Soul from composting Trophies of Irradiant creatures
Ashen Soul from composting Trophies of Ashen creatures
Irradiant Dragon Egg Fragment from Empowered Irradiant Sky Admirals
Foraged Dragon Egg Fragment from Empowered Devourers and Treshers
Stained Dragon Egg Fragment from bosses in 5-star dungeons
Terrain and Sub-Biomes
Sunderes Uplands are split in half and feature different enemies and dungeons on top and bottom sides.
Irradiant Uplands are the top layer of the biome. They are a thematical followup on the Radiant Ruins, but giants in this biome are much more technologically advanced and agressive. Thin layers of ground lifted from the bottom still contain some life, but they are thin and unstable. Remaining flora is scarce and opowerpowered by weird structures and devices.
Ashen wastelands on the bottom are grim, grey and dusty. The landmasses are suspended in mid air forming corkscrew-like structures leading to the upper layer. Below the surface ground is warmer and has a bright red color. Carnivous Ashen plants are found all over, merging themselves with local organics.