Adventures are activities you can start from various NPCs.
Adventure Files
Adventures: crystallogy_adventures
Acquire Cinnabar 700
Acquire 700 Cinnabar ore. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace) / adv_crystallogy_advanced_02_cinnabar_acquired
Acquire 700 Cinnabar ore. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace) / adv_crystallogy_advanced_02_cinnabar_acquired
Acquire 700 Cinnabar ore. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
Acquire Fire Gem, Air Gem, and Water Gem Boxes 20
Acquire 20 Fire Gem, Air Gem, or Water Gem Boxes from Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, and Drowned Worlds. / adv_crystallogy_advanced_03_all_gemboxes_acquired
Acquire 20 Fire Gem, Air Gem, or Water Gem Boxes from Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, and Drowned Worlds. / adv_crystallogy_advanced_03_all_gemboxes_acquired
Acquire 20 Fire Gem, Air Gem, or Water Gem Boxes from Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, and Drowned Worlds.
Acquire Uncommon Trovian Ore 1600
Acquire 1600 Primordial Flame, Formicite Ore, or Infinium Ore in any Trovian Adventure World. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace) / adv_crystallogy_advanced_01_trove_ore_mined
Acquire 1600 Primordial Flame, Formicite Ore, or Infinium Ore in any Trovian Adventure World. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace) / adv_crystallogy_advanced_01_trove_ore_mined
Acquire 1600 Primordial Flame, Formicite Ore, or Infinium Ore in any Trovian Adventure World. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
Complete 3-Star Dungeons 3
Complete 3 3-Star Dungeons in any Trove biome. / adv_crystallogy_simple_03_3star_complete
Complete 3 3-Star Dungeons in any Trove biome. / adv_crystallogy_simple_03_3star_complete
Complete 3 3-Star Dungeons in any Trove biome.
Defeat Dungeon Bosses 10
Defeat 10 Dungeon Bosses in any Trove biome. / adv_crystallogy_simple_01_boss_kills
Defeat 10 Dungeon Bosses in any Trove biome. / adv_crystallogy_simple_01_boss_kills
Defeat 10 Dungeon Bosses in any Trove biome.
Defeat Dungeon Bosses 30
Defeat 30 Dungeon Bosses in any Trove Adventure World. / adv_crystallogy_advanced_04_boss_kills
Defeat 30 Dungeon Bosses in any Trove Adventure World. / adv_crystallogy_advanced_04_boss_kills
Defeat 30 Dungeon Bosses in any Trove Adventure World.
Defeat Enemies 40
Defeat 40 enemies in any Trove Adventure World. / adv_crystallogy_simple_05_npc_kills
Defeat 40 enemies in any Trove Adventure World. / adv_crystallogy_simple_05_npc_kills
Defeat 40 enemies in any Trove Adventure World.
Mine Primordial Flame 70
Mine 70 Primordial Flame in any Trove Adventure World. / adv_crystallogy_simple_02_mine_flame
Mine 70 Primordial Flame in any Trove Adventure World. / adv_crystallogy_simple_02_mine_flame
Mine 70 Primordial Flame in any Trove Adventure World.
Mine Shapestone 400
Mine 400 Shapestone in any Trove Adventure World. / adv_crystallogy_simple_04_shapestone_mined
Mine 400 Shapestone in any Trove Adventure World. / adv_crystallogy_simple_04_shapestone_mined
Mine 400 Shapestone in any Trove Adventure World.