Gardening Edition
Trove Forums
October 2, 2014
- Gardening is now in the game! This is V1.0 so expect some tuning in future patches.
- Gardening is the first profession! Professions unlock groups of recipes at a time, as you skill up. Crafting anything in the most recently unlocked category will grant +1 skill point.
- Crafted mounts now require Steed Feed instead of Warpseed, which can be earned through Gardening.
- Fix mag riders being kicked wildly off track when colliding with blocks
- Shadow keys now cost two additional gems to craft
- Recipe lairs are now more frequent.
- Dracolyte's default weapon now appears in collections
- Your laser can now affect grass and plants
- Grass and plants now only give loot to the player who destroys them
- There are now peaceful biomes in adventure worlds. These are free of monsters and contain 'sun lairs', which have a large number of harvestable sun bulbs which are used for gardening.
- Mastery is now partially implemented. The rewards are placeholder and you can't earn ranks, but you can see the system and the UI is implemented on the character sheet. Use /mastery to see what you've collected so far.
- You can now invert your mouse or change its sensitivity in the Settings dialog.
- Tundra biome themed equipment should once again be dropping correctly
- Quantity of crafting results is again displayed in the crafting window.
- Shadow locks are no longer destructible.
- Neon Ninja's ninja stars now fly horizontally instead of being fully aimed
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Neon Ninja's ultimate to expire after one use
- Fixed a bug that could contribute to rubberbanding
- You can now only use /respawn once every 5 seconds
- New user submissions are coming very soon! The Beta block is done. They're on the way!
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